GET a PET - Quest do LOBO

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Marcos A P Loureiro
Mensagens: 11
Registrado em: 13 Fev 2024, 12:51

GET a PET - Quest do LOBO

Mensagem por Marcos A P Loureiro »

Raças: Todas
Classes: Todas
Level: 15
NPC inicial:Pet Manager Martin
Localização: Gludin
Nome original:Get a Pet
Recompensa:Wolf Collar

1-Vá até Gludin e fale com o Pet Manager Martin, clique em quest e logo em seguida vá selecionando as opções que aparecem.
Quest>Ask detailed questions>I will take de task.

2-Logo após você ter selecionado todas as questões, irá aparecer uma janela de chat com algumas palavras em amarelo. Estás palavras são os possíveis monstros que você tem que matar. Então colete 50 itens de quest desses monstros.
Nota: Dependo da raça de seu personagem, os monstros e o local serão modificados.
Veja abaixo aonde encontrar os monstros para as principais raças.

Humanos -Talking Island
-Monstros: Giant Spiders, Talon Spiders e Blade Spiders

Orcs-Orc Village
-Monstros: Kasha Spider, Kasha Fang Spiders e Kasha Blade Spiders

Elf-Elf Village
-Monstros: Crimson Spider, Hook Spider e Pincer Spider

Dark Elf- Dark Elf Village
-Monstros: Lesser Dark Horror, The Dark Horror e The Prowler

Dwarf- Dwarf Village
-Monstros: Hunter Tarantula e Plunder Tarantula

Kamael- Kamael Village
-Monstros: Crimson Spiders

3-Após você ter coletado os 50 itens volte ao Pet Manager Martin e fale com ele,selecione a opção que irá aparecer e logo em seguida você terá que falar com três NPC.

-Fale com a Gatekeeper Bella em Gludio e selecione a quest e as opções a seguir.
-Agora vá para Dion e fale com o Guard Metty e em seguida selecione a quest e as opções a seguir
-Logo então vá para Giran e fale com a Jeweler Ellie ,selecione a quest Get a Pet (Continue) e em seguida selecione as opções a seguir.
Nota:Na parte de Giran falando com Ellie, o nome da quest mudou na versão Kamael, se chamando Wolf Collar (In progress)

5-Após ter falado com todos os NPC, volte até o Pet Manager Martin, ele então irá fazer um teste com perguntas a você relacionadas ao Lobo/Wolf.
Nota: Você não pode errar nenhuma pergunta, caso contrário você terá que falar com os 3 NPC novamente para tentar refazer o teste.

P: What should you do to make a pet grow faster?
R: Makes a pet hit monster a lot

P: Which one among the following does a wolf NOT eat?
R: No answer

P: The following are descriptions on the life of a wolf. Choose the WRONG description among the choices.
R: Apregnant wolf makes its in a wide open place to have its babies

P: The owner can use its pet many different purposes. Which one of the following is NOT the purpose of a pet use?
R: Makes to go to the village and buy itens rather than sending on an arrand

P: There is no exact data on the life span of wild wolf. Then how long does a wonf in the zoo normally live?
R: 12-15 years

P: What kind of wolf leads the rest when it comes to hunting in pack?
R: Male

P: The biological classification of the wolf is 'meat-eating mammal of dog's family'. Then whitch animal among the following is NOT a 'meat-eatong mammal from a dog's family'?
R: no answer

P: How far (km) can a wolf's scent reach?
R: 2.4km

P: The following are description about the wolf. Choose the RIGHT ONE among the choices.
R: A grown wolf is still not as heavy as a fully-grown male adult human.

P: Normally, how would a wolf's tail be positioned?
R: It's tail is always pointing straight down

P: what is the name of this animal which is in the wolf family an was thought to live 2,500,000-10,000 years ago? It is sad that its body and skill were big and heavy, but its brains were so small that it is assumed that its intelligence weren't very high.
R: Dire Wolf

P: The pet shall disappear forever if you can't resurrect it within a certain amount of time. What is the maximim amount of time to ressurect a pet?
R: 3 minutes

P: Choose the WRONG description on the breeding of wolves.
R: Pregnancy is nine months

P: The following connections are made between the wolves in the Lineage world and their habitats. Which of the following is NOT connected properly?
R: Orc Black Wolf
Mensagens: 1
Registrado em: 21 Ago 2024, 06:05

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